–//– Load R Packages –//–

Install and/or load all required R Packages

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

if(!require("tidyverse")) {install.packages("tidyverse"); library("tidyverse")}
if(!require("haven")) {install.packages("haven"); library("haven")}
if(!require("Hmisc")) {install.packages("Hmisc"); library("Hmisc")}
if(!require("sjlabelled")) {install.packages("sjlabelled"); library("sjlabelled")}
if(!require("DescTools")) {install.packages("DescTools"); library("DescTools")}
if(!require("DoE.base")) {install.packages("DoE.base"); library("DoE.base")}
if(!require("forcats")) {install.packages("forcats"); library("forcats")}
if(!require("conjoint")) {install.packages("conjoint"); library("conjoint")}
if(!require("rlist")) {install.packages("rlist"); library("rlist")}
if(!require("cowplot")) {install.packages("cowplot"); library("cowplot")}

–//– Clean-Up Working Emvironment –//–

Removes all objects from the current working environment

# clean up working environment
rm(list = ls())

–//– Chapter 09 - Conjoint Analysis –//–

[=> Case Study] | 9.3 Case Study

(-) Table 9.16 - Attributes and attribute levels considered in the case study

(-) Creating a fractional Design with R | Generated file : “FracDesign.csv”

# Creating a fractional Design for Testing | Orthogonal

test.design <- DoE.base::oa.design(nlevels = c(3,3,2,2,3,3))
## The columns of the array have been used in order of appearance. 
## For designs with relatively few columns, 
## the properties can sometimes be substantially improved 
## using option columns with min3 or even min34.
FracDesign <- as.data.frame(test.design)
names(FracDesign) <- c("Flavor", "Size", "Superfoods", "Filling", "Packaging", "Price")
levels(FracDesign$Flavor) <- c("fruity", "nutty", "mixed")
levels(FracDesign$Size) <- c("5g","10g","15g")
levels(FracDesign$Superfoods) <- c("contains no superfoods","contains superfoods")
levels(FracDesign$Filling) <- c("creamy", "liquid")
levels(FracDesign$Packaging) <- c("individually wrapped in foil","individually wrapped in paper","not individually wrapped")
levels(FracDesign$Price) <- c("5.99 EUR","6.99 EUR","7.99 EUR")
# Save in Excel
write_excel_csv(FracDesign, "FracDesign.csv")

(-) Alternativeto create Conjoint-Designs in R with package “conjoint”

# Create all theoretically possible combinations
experiment <- expand.grid(
  Flavor = c("fruity", "nutty", "mixed"), 
  Size = c("5g","10g","15g"), 
  Superfoods = c("contains no superfoods","contains Superfoods"),
  Filling = c("creamy", "liquid"),
  Packaging = c("individually wrapped in foil","individually wrapped in paper","not individually wrapped"),
  Price = c("5.99 EUR","6.99 EUR","7.99 EUR")

# choose designs type: e.g., orthogonal design, fractional design,determine number of cards by parameter 'cards' (e.g. here 22 to create 4 more cards for holdout + 2 more cards for simulation)

# orthogonal design
ortho.design <- caFactorialDesign(data = experiment, 
                                  type = "orthogonal", 
                                 # cards = 22, 
                                  seed = 123)

# fractional design
frac.design <- caFactorialDesign(data = experiment, 
                                 type = "fractional", 
                                 # cards = 22, 
                                 seed = 123)

# Print design 
print(ortho.design); print(cor(caEncodedDesign(ortho.design)));
##     Flavor Size             Superfoods Filling                     Packaging
## 1   fruity   5g contains no superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 8    nutty  15g contains no superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 23   nutty  10g contains no superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 30   mixed   5g    contains Superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 47   nutty   5g    contains Superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 51   mixed  10g    contains Superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 61  fruity  15g contains no superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 63   mixed  15g contains no superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 77   nutty  10g contains no superfoods  creamy      not individually wrapped
## 85  fruity  10g    contains Superfoods  creamy      not individually wrapped
## 102  mixed   5g    contains Superfoods  liquid      not individually wrapped
## 106 fruity  15g    contains Superfoods  liquid      not individually wrapped
## 119  nutty   5g    contains Superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 134  nutty  15g contains no superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 139 fruity  10g    contains Superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 141  mixed  10g    contains Superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 148 fruity  10g contains no superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 154 fruity   5g    contains Superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 164  nutty   5g contains no superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 168  mixed  10g contains no superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 183  mixed   5g contains no superfoods  creamy      not individually wrapped
## 187 fruity  15g contains no superfoods  creamy      not individually wrapped
## 197  nutty  15g    contains Superfoods  creamy      not individually wrapped
## 216  mixed  15g    contains Superfoods  liquid      not individually wrapped
## 222  mixed  10g contains no superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 225  mixed  15g contains no superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 232 fruity  15g    contains Superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 244 fruity   5g    contains Superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 266  nutty  10g    contains Superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 270  mixed  15g    contains Superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 271 fruity   5g contains no superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 287  nutty  15g    contains Superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 291  mixed   5g contains no superfoods  creamy      not individually wrapped
## 308  nutty   5g contains no superfoods  liquid      not individually wrapped
## 310 fruity  10g contains no superfoods  liquid      not individually wrapped
## 320  nutty  10g    contains Superfoods  liquid      not individually wrapped
##        Price
## 1   5.99 EUR
## 8   5.99 EUR
## 23  5.99 EUR
## 30  5.99 EUR
## 47  5.99 EUR
## 51  5.99 EUR
## 61  5.99 EUR
## 63  5.99 EUR
## 77  5.99 EUR
## 85  5.99 EUR
## 102 5.99 EUR
## 106 5.99 EUR
## 119 6.99 EUR
## 134 6.99 EUR
## 139 6.99 EUR
## 141 6.99 EUR
## 148 6.99 EUR
## 154 6.99 EUR
## 164 6.99 EUR
## 168 6.99 EUR
## 183 6.99 EUR
## 187 6.99 EUR
## 197 6.99 EUR
## 216 6.99 EUR
## 222 7.99 EUR
## 225 7.99 EUR
## 232 7.99 EUR
## 244 7.99 EUR
## 266 7.99 EUR
## 270 7.99 EUR
## 271 7.99 EUR
## 287 7.99 EUR
## 291 7.99 EUR
## 308 7.99 EUR
## 310 7.99 EUR
## 320 7.99 EUR
##            Flavor Size Superfoods Filling Packaging Price
## Flavor          1    0          0       0         0     0
## Size            0    1          0       0         0     0
## Superfoods      0    0          1       0         0     0
## Filling         0    0          0       1         0     0
## Packaging       0    0          0       0         1     0
## Price           0    0          0       0         0     1
print(frac.design); print(cor(caEncodedDesign(frac.design)))
##     Flavor Size             Superfoods Filling                     Packaging
## 6    mixed  10g contains no superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 46  fruity   5g    contains Superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 92   nutty   5g contains no superfoods  liquid      not individually wrapped
## 106 fruity  15g    contains Superfoods  liquid      not individually wrapped
## 133 fruity  15g contains no superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 138  mixed   5g    contains Superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 162  mixed  15g    contains Superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 176  nutty  10g    contains Superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 181 fruity   5g contains no superfoods  creamy      not individually wrapped
## 186  mixed  10g contains no superfoods  creamy      not individually wrapped
## 227  nutty   5g    contains Superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 260  nutty  15g contains no superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 273  mixed   5g contains no superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 274 fruity  10g contains no superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 301 fruity  10g    contains Superfoods  creamy      not individually wrapped
## 324  mixed  15g    contains Superfoods  liquid      not individually wrapped
##        Price
## 6   5.99 EUR
## 46  5.99 EUR
## 92  5.99 EUR
## 106 5.99 EUR
## 133 6.99 EUR
## 138 6.99 EUR
## 162 6.99 EUR
## 176 6.99 EUR
## 181 6.99 EUR
## 186 6.99 EUR
## 227 7.99 EUR
## 260 7.99 EUR
## 273 7.99 EUR
## 274 7.99 EUR
## 301 7.99 EUR
## 324 7.99 EUR
##                 Flavor       Size Superfoods    Filling   Packaging       Price
## Flavor      1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.18490007  0.09245003
## Size        0.00000000 1.00000000 0.07559289 0.07559289  0.10894096  0.10894096
## Superfoods  0.00000000 0.07559289 1.00000000 0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
## Filling     0.00000000 0.07559289 0.00000000 1.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
## Packaging  -0.18490007 0.10894096 0.00000000 0.00000000  1.00000000 -0.02564103
## Price       0.09245003 0.10894096 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.02564103  1.00000000
# Save in Excel
write_excel_csv(ortho.design, "ortho_design.csv")
write_excel_csv(frac.design, "frac_design.csv")
write_excel_csv(experiment, "experiment_allcombinations.csv")

(-) Create exemplary dataset. | (1) Data for the design of the experimental study.

(-) Figure 9.12 - Reduced orthogonal design

# Generate data
mydatc9_case_design <- data.frame(ID = c(1:22), 
                                  Flavor = c(2, 2,  1,  1,  1,  3,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2,  3,  1,  1,  3,  3,  3,  3,  2,  1,  3,  1), 
                                  Size = c(1,   1,  1,  1,  3,  3,  1,  2,  2,  3,  2,  2,  3,  1,  1,  1,  2,  1,  1,  3,  1,  2),
                                  Superfoods = c(1, 0,  1,  0,  0,  1,  0,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  1,  0),
                                  Filling = c(2,    2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  1,  1,  2,  1,  1,  2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2,  1,  2,  1,  2), 
                                  Packaging = c(3,  2,  1,  1,  3,  1,  1,  3,  2,  1,  1,  1,  2,  1,  3,  2,  1,  3,  1,  2,  3,  2), 
                                  Price = c(5.99,   7.99,   6.99,   5.99,   6.99,   7.99,   7.99,   7.99,   5.99,   5.99,   6.99,   5.99,   5.99,   5.99,   5.99,   6.99,   5.99,   5.99,   5.99,   6.99,   6.99,   7.99), 
                                  STATUS_ = c(0,    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2), 
                                  CARD_ = c(1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 1,  2))

# Set labels              
mydatc9_case_design$Flavor <- factor(mydatc9_case_design$Flavor, 
                             levels = c(1:3),
                             labels = c("fruity", 

mydatc9_case_design$Size <- factor(mydatc9_case_design$Size, 
                             levels = c(1:3),
                             labels = c("5g", 

mydatc9_case_design$Superfoods <- factor(mydatc9_case_design$Superfoods, 
                             levels = c(0:1),
                             labels = c("contains no superfoods", 
                                        "contains superfoods"))

mydatc9_case_design$Filling <- factor(mydatc9_case_design$Filling, 
                             levels = c(1:2),
                             labels = c("creamy", 

mydatc9_case_design$Packaging <- factor(mydatc9_case_design$Packaging, 
                             levels = c(1:3),
                             labels = c("individually wrapped in foil", 
                                        "individually wrapped in paper",
                                        "not individally wrapped"))

mydatc9_case_design$Price <- factor(mydatc9_case_design$Price, 
                             levels = c(5.99, 6.99, 7.99),
                             labels = c("5.99 EUR", 
                                        "6.99 EUR",
                                        "7.99 EUR"))   

mydatc9_case_design$STATUS_ <- factor(mydatc9_case_design$STATUS_, 
                             levels = c(0:2),
                             labels = c("Design", 

##    ID Flavor Size             Superfoods Filling                     Packaging
## 1   1  nutty   5g    contains superfoods  liquid       not individally wrapped
## 2   2  nutty   5g contains no superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 3   3 fruity   5g    contains superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 4   4 fruity   5g contains no superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 5   5 fruity  15g contains no superfoods  liquid       not individally wrapped
## 6   6  mixed  15g    contains superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 7   7 fruity   5g contains no superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 8   8 fruity  10g    contains superfoods  creamy       not individally wrapped
## 9   9 fruity  10g    contains superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 10 10  nutty  15g    contains superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 11 11  nutty  10g contains no superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 12 12  mixed  10g contains no superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 13 13 fruity  15g contains no superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 14 14 fruity   5g    contains superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 15 15  mixed   5g contains no superfoods  creamy       not individally wrapped
## 16 16  mixed   5g    contains superfoods  creamy individually wrapped in paper
## 17 17  mixed  10g    contains superfoods  liquid  individually wrapped in foil
## 18 18  mixed   5g    contains superfoods  liquid       not individally wrapped
## 19 19  nutty   5g contains no superfoods  creamy  individually wrapped in foil
## 20 20 fruity  15g contains no superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
## 21 21  mixed   5g    contains superfoods  creamy       not individally wrapped
## 22 22 fruity  10g contains no superfoods  liquid individually wrapped in paper
##       Price    STATUS_ CARD_
## 1  5.99 EUR     Design     1
## 2  7.99 EUR     Design     2
## 3  6.99 EUR     Design     3
## 4  5.99 EUR     Design     4
## 5  6.99 EUR     Design     5
## 6  7.99 EUR     Design     6
## 7  7.99 EUR     Design     7
## 8  7.99 EUR     Design     8
## 9  5.99 EUR     Design     9
## 10 5.99 EUR     Design    10
## 11 6.99 EUR     Design    11
## 12 5.99 EUR     Design    12
## 13 5.99 EUR     Design    13
## 14 5.99 EUR     Design    14
## 15 5.99 EUR     Design    15
## 16 6.99 EUR     Design    16
## 17 5.99 EUR    Holdout    17
## 18 5.99 EUR    Holdout    18
## 19 5.99 EUR    Holdout    19
## 20 6.99 EUR    Holdout    20
## 21 6.99 EUR Simulation     1
## 22 7.99 EUR Simulation     2

(-) Create exemplary dataset. | (2) Preference data of respondents.

(-) Figure 9.13 - Excerpt of the data file showing the respondents’ preferences (ranking) (N = 40)

# Generate data
mydatc9_case_pref <- data.frame(Respondent = c(1,   2,  3,  4,  5,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40), 
                                  Stimulus01 = c(3, 13, 3,  3,  3,  13, 3,  13, 13, 13, 14, 3,  3,  3,  3,  3,  14, 13, 13, 13, 13, 3,  3,  3,  3,  3,  13, 14, 13, 13, 13, 3,  3,  3,  3,  3,  13, 13, 14, 13, 13), 
                                  Stimulus02 = c(19,    8,  19, 18, 19, 8,  19, 8,  9,  8,  8,  19, 19, 19, 19, 18, 8,  8,  8,  8,  9,  19, 19, 19, 19, 18, 8,  8,  8,  8,  8,  19, 19, 19, 19, 18, 9,  8,  8,  8,  8), 
                                  Stimulus03 = c(7, 20, 6,  7,  7,  20, 7,  20, 20, 20, 20, 7,  7,  6,  7,  7,  20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 7,  7,  6,  7,  7,  20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 7,  7,  6,  7,  7,  20, 20, 20, 20, 20), 
                                  Stimulus04 = c(10,    19, 10, 10, 10, 19, 10, 19, 19, 19, 19, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19), 
                                  Stimulus05 = c(9, 5,  9,  9,  9,  6,  9,  7,  6,  6,  6,  9,  9,  9,  9,  9,  6,  6,  5,  7,  6,  9,  9,  9,  9,  9,  6,  6,  6,  5,  7,  9,  9,  9,  9,  9,  6,  6,  6,  6,  5), 
                                  Stimulus06 = c(20,    10, 20, 20, 20, 10, 20, 10, 10, 9,  10, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 9,  10, 10, 10, 10, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 9,  10, 10, 10), 
                                  Stimulus07 = c(12,    14, 12, 12, 12, 14, 12, 14, 14, 14, 13, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 14, 13, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 13, 14, 14), 
                                  Stimulus08 = c(1, 11, 1,  1,  1,  11, 1,  11, 11, 11, 11, 1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  11, 11, 11, 11, 11), 
                                  Stimulus09 = c(6, 17, 7,  6,  6,  17, 6,  17, 17, 17, 17, 6,  6,  7,  6,  6,  17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 6,  6,  7,  6,  6,  17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 6,  6,  7,  6,  6,  17, 17, 17, 17, 17), 
                                  Stimulus10 = c(16,    1,  16, 16, 16, 1,  15, 1,  1,  1,  1,  16, 16, 16, 15, 16, 1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  16, 16, 16, 15, 16, 1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  16, 16, 16, 15, 16, 1,  1,  1,  1,  1),
                                  Stimulus11 = c(17,    3,  17, 17, 17, 3,  17, 3,  3,  3,  3,  17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 3,  3,  3,  3,  3,  17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 3,  3,  3,  3,  3,  17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 3,  3,  3,  3,  3), 
                                  Stimulus12 = c(15,    9,  15, 15, 15, 9,  16, 9,  8,  10, 9,  15, 15, 15, 16, 15, 9,  9,  9,  9,  8,  15, 15, 15, 16, 15, 10, 9,  9,  9,  9,  15, 15, 15, 16, 15, 8,  10, 9,  9,  9), 
                                  Stimulus13 = c(14,    2,  14, 14, 14, 2,  14, 2,  2,  2,  2,  14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 2,  2,  2,  2,  2), 
                                  Stimulus14 = c(5, 16, 5,  5,  4,  16, 5,  16, 16, 16, 16, 5,  4,  5,  5,  5,  16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 5,  4,  5,  5,  5,  16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 5,  4,  5,  5,  5,  16, 16, 16, 16, 16), 
                                  Stimulus15 = c(4, 6,  4,  4,  5,  5,  4,  5,  5,  5,  5,  4,  5,  4,  4,  4,  5,  5,  6,  5,  5,  4,  5,  4,  4,  4,  5,  5,  5,  6,  5,  4,  5,  4,  4,  4,  5,  5,  5,  5,  6), 
                                  Stimulus16 = c(8, 12, 8,  8,  8,  12, 8,  12, 12, 12, 12, 8,  8,  8,  8,  8,  12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 8,  8,  8,  8,  8,  12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 8,  8,  8,  8,  8,  12, 12, 12, 12, 12),
                                  Holdout01 = c(11, 15, 11, 11, 11, 15, 11, 15, 15, 15, 15, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15), 
                                  Holdout02 = c(2,  18, 2,  2,  2,  18, 2,  18, 18, 18, 18, 2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  18, 18, 18, 18, 18), 
                                  Holdout03 = c(13, 4,  13, 13, 13, 4,  13, 4,  4,  4,  4,  13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 4,  4,  4,  4,  4), 
                                 Holdout04  = c(18, 7,  18, 19, 18, 7,  18, 6,  7,  7,  7,  18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 7,  7,  7,  6,  7,  18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 7,  7,  7,  7,  6,  18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 7,  7,  7,  7,  7))

# Display generated data

##    Respondent Stimulus01 Stimulus02 Stimulus03 Stimulus04 Stimulus05 Stimulus06
## 1           1          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 2           2         13          8         20         19          5         10
## 3           3          3         19          6         10          9         20
## 4           4          3         18          7         10          9         20
## 5           5          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 6           5         13          8         20         19          6         10
## 7           6          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 8           7         13          8         20         19          7         10
## 9           8         13          9         20         19          6         10
## 10          9         13          8         20         19          6          9
## 11         10         14          8         20         19          6         10
## 12         11          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 13         12          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 14         13          3         19          6         10          9         20
## 15         14          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 16         15          3         18          7         10          9         20
## 17         16         14          8         20         19          6         10
## 18         17         13          8         20         19          6         10
## 19         18         13          8         20         19          5         10
## 20         19         13          8         20         19          7         10
## 21         20         13          9         20         19          6         10
## 22         21          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 23         22          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 24         23          3         19          6         10          9         20
## 25         24          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 26         25          3         18          7         10          9         20
## 27         26         13          8         20         19          6          9
## 28         27         14          8         20         19          6         10
## 29         28         13          8         20         19          6         10
## 30         29         13          8         20         19          5         10
## 31         30         13          8         20         19          7         10
## 32         31          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 33         32          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 34         33          3         19          6         10          9         20
## 35         34          3         19          7         10          9         20
## 36         35          3         18          7         10          9         20
## 37         36         13          9         20         19          6         10
## 38         37         13          8         20         19          6          9
## 39         38         14          8         20         19          6         10
## 40         39         13          8         20         19          6         10
## 41         40         13          8         20         19          5         10
##    Stimulus07 Stimulus08 Stimulus09 Stimulus10 Stimulus11 Stimulus12 Stimulus13
## 1          12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 2          14         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 3          12          1          7         16         17         15         14
## 4          12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 5          12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 6          14         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 7          12          1          6         15         17         16         14
## 8          14         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 9          14         11         17          1          3          8          2
## 10         14         11         17          1          3         10          2
## 11         13         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 12         12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 13         12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 14         12          1          7         16         17         15         14
## 15         12          1          6         15         17         16         14
## 16         12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 17         13         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 18         14         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 19         14         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 20         14         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 21         14         11         17          1          3          8          2
## 22         12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 23         12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 24         12          1          7         16         17         15         14
## 25         12          1          6         15         17         16         14
## 26         12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 27         14         11         17          1          3         10          2
## 28         13         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 29         14         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 30         14         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 31         14         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 32         12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 33         12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 34         12          1          7         16         17         15         14
## 35         12          1          6         15         17         16         14
## 36         12          1          6         16         17         15         14
## 37         14         11         17          1          3          8          2
## 38         14         11         17          1          3         10          2
## 39         13         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 40         14         11         17          1          3          9          2
## 41         14         11         17          1          3          9          2
##    Stimulus14 Stimulus15 Stimulus16 Holdout01 Holdout02 Holdout03 Holdout04
## 1           5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 2          16          6         12        15        18         4         7
## 3           5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 4           5          4          8        11         2        13        19
## 5           4          5          8        11         2        13        18
## 6          16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 7           5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 8          16          5         12        15        18         4         6
## 9          16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 10         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 11         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 12          5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 13          4          5          8        11         2        13        18
## 14          5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 15          5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 16          5          4          8        11         2        13        19
## 17         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 18         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 19         16          6         12        15        18         4         7
## 20         16          5         12        15        18         4         6
## 21         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 22          5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 23          4          5          8        11         2        13        18
## 24          5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 25          5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 26          5          4          8        11         2        13        19
## 27         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 28         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 29         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 30         16          6         12        15        18         4         7
## 31         16          5         12        15        18         4         6
## 32          5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 33          4          5          8        11         2        13        18
## 34          5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 35          5          4          8        11         2        13        18
## 36          5          4          8        11         2        13        19
## 37         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 38         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 39         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 40         16          5         12        15        18         4         7
## 41         16          6         12        15        18         4         7

(-) Create exemplary data. | (3) Estimate utility parameters for each respondent.

[Note: Results and data diverge slightly from SPSS results in the book. Core statements and directions of effects consistent]

(-) Analogous to Figure 9.18 - Estimated utility parameters of the joint estimation

# library (conjoint)

# mylevels  <- factor(c("fruity", "nutty", "mixed","5g","10g","15g","contains no superfoods","contains superfoods","creamy", "liquid","individually wrapped in foil","individally wrapped in paper","not individually wrapped","5.99 EUR","6.99 EUR","7.99 EUR"), ordered = FALSE)
# mylevels <- forcats::fct_relevel(mylevels,c("fruity", "nutty", "mixed","5g","10g","15g","contains no superfoods","contains superfoods","creamy", "liquid","individually wrapped in foil","individally wrapped in paper","not individually wrapped","5.99 EUR","6.99 EUR","7.99 EUR"))

# Releveling of factors
mydatc9_case_design$Flavor <- forcats::fct_relevel(mydatc9_case_design$Flavor, "mixed")
mydatc9_case_design$Size <- forcats::fct_relevel(mydatc9_case_design$Size, "15g")
mydatc9_case_design$Superfoods <- forcats::fct_relevel(mydatc9_case_design$Superfoods, "contains superfoods")
mydatc9_case_design$Filling <- forcats::fct_relevel(mydatc9_case_design$Filling, "liquid")
mydatc9_case_design$Packaging <- forcats::fct_relevel(mydatc9_case_design$Packaging, "not individually wrapped")
## Warning: Unknown levels in `f`: not individually wrapped
mylevels <- c(levels(mydatc9_case_design$Flavor),

# CJA estimates all  based on ranked preference data AND with effect coding in each case.
testCJA <- conjoint::Conjoint(mydatc9_case_pref[-c(5),-c(1,18:21)],
         y.type = "rank") 
## Call:
## lm(formula = frml)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -7,8172 -5,1203  0,0172  4,8734  8,5734 
## Coefficients:
##                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)            7,30365    0,23638  30,898  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(x$Flavor)1     -0,08021    0,30750  -0,261 0,794302    
## factor(x$Flavor)2     -0,38958    0,26224  -1,486 0,137884    
## factor(x$Size)1        0,69583    0,30750   2,263 0,023984 *  
## factor(x$Size)2       -0,91042    0,26224  -3,472 0,000553 ***
## factor(x$Superfoods)1 -0,08906    0,19668  -0,453 0,650825    
## factor(x$Filling)1    -1,61406    0,19668  -8,207 1,29e-15 ***
## factor(x$Packaging)1  -2,23542    0,26224  -8,524  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(x$Packaging)2  -0,90417    0,30750  -2,940 0,003399 ** 
## factor(x$Price)1       0,82708    0,26224   3,154 0,001688 ** 
## factor(x$Price)2       0,36146    0,30750   1,175 0,240252    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0,001 '**' 0,01 '*' 0,05 '.' 0,1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 4,976 on 629 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0,265,  Adjusted R-squared:  0,2533 
## F-statistic: 22,68 on 10 and 629 DF,  p-value: < 2,2e-16
## [1] "Part worths (utilities) of levels (model parameters for whole sample):"
##                           levnms    utls
## 1                      intercept  7,3036
## 2                          mixed -0,0802
## 3                         fruity -0,3896
## 4                          nutty  0,4698
## 5                            15g  0,6958
## 6                             5g -0,9104
## 7                            10g  0,2146
## 8            contains superfoods -0,0891
## 9         contains no superfoods  0,0891
## 10                        liquid -1,6141
## 11                        creamy  1,6141
## 12  individually wrapped in foil -2,2354
## 13 individually wrapped in paper -0,9042
## 14       not individally wrapped  3,1396
## 15                      5.99 EUR  0,8271
## 16                      6.99 EUR  0,3615
## 17                      7.99 EUR -1,1885
## [1] "Average importance of factors (attributes):"
## [1] 21,83 26,47 14,91 11,48 18,32  7,00
## [1] Sum of average importance:  100,01
## [1] "Chart of average factors importance"
# Each result printed 

(-) Analogous to: Figure 9.19 Relative attribute importance for the joint estimation

[Note: Slightly different, ratios and basic message are similar].

# Analogous to: Figure 9.19 Relative attribute importance for the joint estimation

IMP_combined <- conjoint::caImportance(y = mydatc9_case_pref[-c(5),-c(1,18:21)],
                      x = mydatc9_case_design[c(1:16),c(2:7)])

##                   IMP_combined
## [1,] "Flavor"     "21.83"     
## [2,] "Size"       "26.47"     
## [3,] "Superfoods" "14.91"     
## [4,] "Filling"    "11.48"     
## [5,] "Packaging"  "18.32"     
## [6,] "Price"      "7"
        names.arg = c("Flavor", "Size", "Superfoods", "Filling", "Packaging", "Price"), 
        main = "Relative Importance | Attributes",
        cex.main = 1,
        cex.lab = 1, 
        cex.axis = 1)

(-) Estimated utility parameter per proband (Analogous to Figure 9.21 - Estimated utility parameters for each individual respondent)

[Note: There are divergent results here].

# Estimated utility paramter per proband
conjoint::caPartUtilities(y = mydatc9_case_pref[-c(5),-c(1,18:21)], 
                          x = mydatc9_case_design[c(1:16),c(2:7)], 
                          z = mylevels)
##       intercept  mixed fruity  nutty    15g     5g    10g contains superfoods
##  [1,]    11.417  0.583 -3.167  2.583  3.750 -2.500 -1.250              -2.125
##  [2,]     8.083 -0.250  3.500 -3.250 -4.833  4.167  0.667               2.125
##  [3,]    11.458  0.583 -3.167  2.583  3.708 -2.667 -1.042              -2.125
##  [4,]    11.312  0.667 -3.083  2.417  3.792 -2.583 -1.208              -2.063
##  [5,]     8.125 -0.458  3.667 -3.208 -4.625  4.000  0.625               2.125
##  [6,]    11.417  0.833 -3.167  2.333  3.500 -2.500 -1.000              -2.250
##  [7,]     8.229 -0.500  3.750 -3.250 -4.458  3.917  0.542               2.063
##  [8,]     8.167 -0.708  3.667 -2.958 -4.583  4.167  0.417               2.125
##  [9,]     8.083 -0.458  3.667 -3.208 -4.875  4.000  0.875               2.000
## [10,]     8.167 -0.500  3.500 -3.000 -4.625  4.000  0.625               2.250
## [11,]    11.417  0.583 -3.167  2.583  3.750 -2.500 -1.250              -2.125
## [12,]    11.500  0.792 -3.333  2.542  3.750 -2.500 -1.250              -2.250
## [13,]    11.458  0.583 -3.167  2.583  3.708 -2.667 -1.042              -2.125
## [14,]    11.417  0.833 -3.167  2.333  3.500 -2.500 -1.000              -2.250
## [15,]    11.312  0.667 -3.083  2.417  3.792 -2.583 -1.208              -2.063
## [16,]     8.167 -0.500  3.500 -3.000 -4.625  4.000  0.625               2.250
## [17,]     8.125 -0.458  3.667 -3.208 -4.625  4.000  0.625               2.125
## [18,]     8.083 -0.250  3.500 -3.250 -4.833  4.167  0.667               2.125
## [19,]     8.229 -0.500  3.750 -3.250 -4.458  3.917  0.542               2.063
## [20,]     8.167 -0.708  3.667 -2.958 -4.583  4.167  0.417               2.125
## [21,]    11.417  0.583 -3.167  2.583  3.750 -2.500 -1.250              -2.125
## [22,]    11.500  0.792 -3.333  2.542  3.750 -2.500 -1.250              -2.250
## [23,]    11.458  0.583 -3.167  2.583  3.708 -2.667 -1.042              -2.125
## [24,]    11.417  0.833 -3.167  2.333  3.500 -2.500 -1.000              -2.250
## [25,]    11.312  0.667 -3.083  2.417  3.792 -2.583 -1.208              -2.063
## [26,]     8.083 -0.458  3.667 -3.208 -4.875  4.000  0.875               2.000
## [27,]     8.167 -0.500  3.500 -3.000 -4.625  4.000  0.625               2.250
## [28,]     8.125 -0.458  3.667 -3.208 -4.625  4.000  0.625               2.125
## [29,]     8.083 -0.250  3.500 -3.250 -4.833  4.167  0.667               2.125
## [30,]     8.229 -0.500  3.750 -3.250 -4.458  3.917  0.542               2.063
## [31,]    11.417  0.583 -3.167  2.583  3.750 -2.500 -1.250              -2.125
## [32,]    11.500  0.792 -3.333  2.542  3.750 -2.500 -1.250              -2.250
## [33,]    11.458  0.583 -3.167  2.583  3.708 -2.667 -1.042              -2.125
## [34,]    11.417  0.833 -3.167  2.333  3.500 -2.500 -1.000              -2.250
## [35,]    11.312  0.667 -3.083  2.417  3.792 -2.583 -1.208              -2.063
## [36,]     8.167 -0.708  3.667 -2.958 -4.583  4.167  0.417               2.125
## [37,]     8.083 -0.458  3.667 -3.208 -4.875  4.000  0.875               2.000
## [38,]     8.167 -0.500  3.500 -3.000 -4.625  4.000  0.625               2.250
## [39,]     8.125 -0.458  3.667 -3.208 -4.625  4.000  0.625               2.125
## [40,]     8.083 -0.250  3.500 -3.250 -4.833  4.167  0.667               2.125
##       contains no superfoods liquid creamy individually wrapped in foil
##  [1,]                  2.125  0.750 -0.750                        3.167
##  [2,]                 -2.125  2.250 -2.250                        1.500
##  [3,]                  2.125  0.750 -0.750                        3.000
##  [4,]                  2.063  0.688 -0.688                        3.250
##  [5,]                 -2.125  2.375 -2.375                        1.500
##  [6,]                  2.250  0.875 -0.875                        3.167
##  [7,]                 -2.063  2.438 -2.438                        1.417
##  [8,]                 -2.125  2.375 -2.375                        1.333
##  [9,]                 -2.000  2.375 -2.375                        1.500
## [10,]                 -2.250  2.500 -2.500                        1.333
## [11,]                  2.125  0.750 -0.750                        3.167
## [12,]                  2.250  0.750 -0.750                        3.000
## [13,]                  2.125  0.750 -0.750                        3.000
## [14,]                  2.250  0.875 -0.875                        3.167
## [15,]                  2.063  0.688 -0.688                        3.250
## [16,]                 -2.250  2.500 -2.500                        1.333
## [17,]                 -2.125  2.375 -2.375                        1.500
## [18,]                 -2.125  2.250 -2.250                        1.500
## [19,]                 -2.063  2.438 -2.438                        1.417
## [20,]                 -2.125  2.375 -2.375                        1.333
## [21,]                  2.125  0.750 -0.750                        3.167
## [22,]                  2.250  0.750 -0.750                        3.000
## [23,]                  2.125  0.750 -0.750                        3.000
## [24,]                  2.250  0.875 -0.875                        3.167
## [25,]                  2.063  0.688 -0.688                        3.250
## [26,]                 -2.000  2.375 -2.375                        1.500
## [27,]                 -2.250  2.500 -2.500                        1.333
## [28,]                 -2.125  2.375 -2.375                        1.500
## [29,]                 -2.125  2.250 -2.250                        1.500
## [30,]                 -2.063  2.438 -2.438                        1.417
## [31,]                  2.125  0.750 -0.750                        3.167
## [32,]                  2.250  0.750 -0.750                        3.000
## [33,]                  2.125  0.750 -0.750                        3.000
## [34,]                  2.250  0.875 -0.875                        3.167
## [35,]                  2.063  0.688 -0.688                        3.250
## [36,]                 -2.125  2.375 -2.375                        1.333
## [37,]                 -2.000  2.375 -2.375                        1.500
## [38,]                 -2.250  2.500 -2.500                        1.333
## [39,]                 -2.125  2.375 -2.375                        1.500
## [40,]                 -2.125  2.250 -2.250                        1.500
##       individually wrapped in paper not individally wrapped 5.99 EUR 6.99 EUR
##  [1,]                         2.167                  -5.333   -1.667   -0.542
##  [2,]                        -0.250                  -1.250    0.000   -0.375
##  [3,]                         2.375                  -5.375   -1.500   -0.750
##  [4,]                         2.000                  -5.250   -1.583   -0.458
##  [5,]                        -0.250                  -1.250   -0.167   -0.167
##  [6,]                         2.167                  -5.333   -1.667   -0.542
##  [7,]                        -0.333                  -1.083   -0.250    0.000
##  [8,]                        -0.042                  -1.292   -0.333   -0.208
##  [9,]                        -0.250                  -1.250    0.000   -0.125
## [10,]                        -0.292                  -1.042    0.000   -0.125
## [11,]                         2.167                  -5.333   -1.667   -0.542
## [12,]                         2.125                  -5.125   -1.667   -0.542
## [13,]                         2.375                  -5.375   -1.500   -0.750
## [14,]                         2.167                  -5.333   -1.667   -0.542
## [15,]                         2.000                  -5.250   -1.583   -0.458
## [16,]                        -0.292                  -1.042    0.000   -0.125
## [17,]                        -0.250                  -1.250   -0.167   -0.167
## [18,]                        -0.250                  -1.250    0.000   -0.375
## [19,]                        -0.333                  -1.083   -0.250    0.000
## [20,]                        -0.042                  -1.292   -0.333   -0.208
## [21,]                         2.167                  -5.333   -1.667   -0.542
## [22,]                         2.125                  -5.125   -1.667   -0.542
## [23,]                         2.375                  -5.375   -1.500   -0.750
## [24,]                         2.167                  -5.333   -1.667   -0.542
## [25,]                         2.000                  -5.250   -1.583   -0.458
## [26,]                        -0.250                  -1.250    0.000   -0.125
## [27,]                        -0.292                  -1.042    0.000   -0.125
## [28,]                        -0.250                  -1.250   -0.167   -0.167
## [29,]                        -0.250                  -1.250    0.000   -0.375
## [30,]                        -0.333                  -1.083   -0.250    0.000
## [31,]                         2.167                  -5.333   -1.667   -0.542
## [32,]                         2.125                  -5.125   -1.667   -0.542
## [33,]                         2.375                  -5.375   -1.500   -0.750
## [34,]                         2.167                  -5.333   -1.667   -0.542
## [35,]                         2.000                  -5.250   -1.583   -0.458
## [36,]                        -0.042                  -1.292   -0.333   -0.208
## [37,]                        -0.250                  -1.250    0.000   -0.125
## [38,]                        -0.292                  -1.042    0.000   -0.125
## [39,]                        -0.250                  -1.250   -0.167   -0.167
## [40,]                        -0.250                  -1.250    0.000   -0.375
##       7.99 EUR
##  [1,]    2.208
##  [2,]    0.375
##  [3,]    2.250
##  [4,]    2.042
##  [5,]    0.333
##  [6,]    2.208
##  [7,]    0.250
##  [8,]    0.542
##  [9,]    0.125
## [10,]    0.125
## [11,]    2.208
## [12,]    2.208
## [13,]    2.250
## [14,]    2.208
## [15,]    2.042
## [16,]    0.125
## [17,]    0.333
## [18,]    0.375
## [19,]    0.250
## [20,]    0.542
## [21,]    2.208
## [22,]    2.208
## [23,]    2.250
## [24,]    2.208
## [25,]    2.042
## [26,]    0.125
## [27,]    0.125
## [28,]    0.333
## [29,]    0.375
## [30,]    0.250
## [31,]    2.208
## [32,]    2.208
## [33,]    2.250
## [34,]    2.208
## [35,]    2.042
## [36,]    0.542
## [37,]    0.125
## [38,]    0.125
## [39,]    0.333
## [40,]    0.375
# caRankToScore(mydatc9_case_pref[-c(5),-c(1,18:21)])

# conjoint::ShowAllSimulations(sym = mydatc9_case_design[c(17:20),c(2:7)],
#                              y = mydatc9_case_pref[-c(5),-c(1,18:21)],
#                              x = mydatc9_case_design[c(1:16),c(2:7)])
# conjoint::caLogit(sym = mydatc9_case_design[c(19:20),c(2:7)],
#                   # y = mydatc9_case_pref[-c(5),-c(1,18:21)],
#                   y = trans.prefdatacollected,
#                   x = mydatc9_case_design[c(1:16),c(2:7)])

(+) (ALTERNATIVE) [WITHOUT package “conjoint” in R: single regressions per subject estimate with dummy coding]

(-) Estimate individual regressions per subject with dummy-coding

# 41 # 21 (20 cards incl. HoldOut) # ranking
prefdatacollected <- mydatc9_case_pref 

trans.prefdatacollected <- t(prefdatacollected[-c(5),-c(1,18:21)])
trans.prefdatacollected <- as.data.frame(trans.prefdatacollected) %>% rownames_to_column(., var = "Stimulus")
colnames(trans.prefdatacollected) <- c("Stimulus", paste0("Person", 1:40))

# convert ranking into rating
trans.prefdatacollected[, c(2:41)] <- psych::reverse.code(keys = c(rep(-1,40)),
                    trans.prefdatacollected[, c(2:41)], 
                    mini = 1, 
                    maxi = 20)

# Experimental design data (stimuli)
designdataCJA <- mydatc9_case_design[c(1:16),c(2:7)]

# Compute linear regression for each person
mycalcdata.CJA <- cbind(designdataCJA,trans.prefdatacollected)

# Releveling of factors
mycalcdata.CJA$Flavor <- forcats::fct_relevel(mycalcdata.CJA$Flavor, "mixed")
mycalcdata.CJA$Size <- forcats::fct_relevel(mycalcdata.CJA$Size, "15g")
mycalcdata.CJA$Superfoods <- forcats::fct_relevel(mycalcdata.CJA$Superfoods, "contains superfoods")
mycalcdata.CJA$Filling <- forcats::fct_relevel(mycalcdata.CJA$Filling, "liquid")
mycalcdata.CJA$Packaging <- forcats::fct_relevel(mycalcdata.CJA$Packaging, "not individually wrapped")
## Warning: Unknown levels in `f`: not individually wrapped
Regressions <- list()
for (person in 8:ncol(mycalcdata.CJA)) {
 model <- lm(mycalcdata.CJA[,person] ~ 
              Flavor + 
              Size + 
              Superfoods + 
              Filling + 
              Packaging + 
             # MASS::contr.sdif
             # contrasts = list(Flavor = contr.sum,
             #                  Size = contr.sum,
             #                  Superfoods = contr.sum,
             #                  Filling = contr.sum,
             #                  Packaging = contr.sum
             #                  ),
             data = mycalcdata.CJA)
 Regressions <- rlist::list.append(Regressions, model)

# Display results; Indivudal regression for each proband
## [[1]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2614            -0.5833             3.1667            -3.7500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.1250            -0.7500            -3.1667  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1667            -1.8636  
## [[2]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1553             0.2500            -3.5000             4.8333  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -4.1667            -2.1250            -2.2500            -1.5000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.2500            -0.1364  
## [[3]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.0189            -0.5833             3.1667            -3.7083  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.6667             2.1250            -0.7500            -3.0000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.3750            -1.7727  
## [[4]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1458            -0.6667             3.0833            -3.7917  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5833             2.0625            -0.6875            -3.2500  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.0000            -1.7500  
## [[5]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.3144             0.4583            -3.6667             4.6250  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -4.0000            -2.1250            -2.3750            -1.5000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.2500            -0.2273  
## [[6]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2614            -0.8333             3.1667            -3.5000  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.2500            -0.8750            -3.1667  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1667            -1.8636  
## [[7]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2708             0.5000            -3.7500             4.4583  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -3.9167            -2.0625            -2.4375            -1.4167  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.3333            -0.2500  
## [[8]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##          13.63258            0.70833           -3.66667            4.58333  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##          -4.16667           -2.12500           -2.37500           -1.33333  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           0.04167           -0.40909  
## [[9]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##          12.99621            0.45833           -3.66667            4.87500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##          -4.00000           -2.00000           -2.37500           -1.50000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           0.25000           -0.04545  
## [[10]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##          12.91288            0.50000           -3.50000            4.62500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##          -4.00000           -2.25000           -2.50000           -1.33333  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           0.29167           -0.04545  
## [[11]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2614            -0.5833             3.1667            -3.7500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.1250            -0.7500            -3.1667  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1667            -1.8636  
## [[12]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1780            -0.7917             3.3333            -3.7500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.2500            -0.7500            -3.0000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1250            -1.8636  
## [[13]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.0189            -0.5833             3.1667            -3.7083  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.6667             2.1250            -0.7500            -3.0000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.3750            -1.7727  
## [[14]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2614            -0.8333             3.1667            -3.5000  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.2500            -0.8750            -3.1667  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1667            -1.8636  
## [[15]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1458            -0.6667             3.0833            -3.7917  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5833             2.0625            -0.6875            -3.2500  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.0000            -1.7500  
## [[16]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##          12.91288            0.50000           -3.50000            4.62500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##          -4.00000           -2.25000           -2.50000           -1.33333  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           0.29167           -0.04545  
## [[17]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.3144             0.4583            -3.6667             4.6250  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -4.0000            -2.1250            -2.3750            -1.5000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.2500            -0.2273  
## [[18]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1553             0.2500            -3.5000             4.8333  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -4.1667            -2.1250            -2.2500            -1.5000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.2500            -0.1364  
## [[19]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2708             0.5000            -3.7500             4.4583  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -3.9167            -2.0625            -2.4375            -1.4167  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.3333            -0.2500  
## [[20]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##          13.63258            0.70833           -3.66667            4.58333  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##          -4.16667           -2.12500           -2.37500           -1.33333  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           0.04167           -0.40909  
## [[21]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2614            -0.5833             3.1667            -3.7500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.1250            -0.7500            -3.1667  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1667            -1.8636  
## [[22]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1780            -0.7917             3.3333            -3.7500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.2500            -0.7500            -3.0000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1250            -1.8636  
## [[23]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.0189            -0.5833             3.1667            -3.7083  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.6667             2.1250            -0.7500            -3.0000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.3750            -1.7727  
## [[24]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2614            -0.8333             3.1667            -3.5000  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.2500            -0.8750            -3.1667  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1667            -1.8636  
## [[25]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1458            -0.6667             3.0833            -3.7917  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5833             2.0625            -0.6875            -3.2500  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.0000            -1.7500  
## [[26]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##          12.99621            0.45833           -3.66667            4.87500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##          -4.00000           -2.00000           -2.37500           -1.50000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           0.25000           -0.04545  
## [[27]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##          12.91288            0.50000           -3.50000            4.62500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##          -4.00000           -2.25000           -2.50000           -1.33333  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           0.29167           -0.04545  
## [[28]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.3144             0.4583            -3.6667             4.6250  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -4.0000            -2.1250            -2.3750            -1.5000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.2500            -0.2273  
## [[29]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1553             0.2500            -3.5000             4.8333  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -4.1667            -2.1250            -2.2500            -1.5000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.2500            -0.1364  
## [[30]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2708             0.5000            -3.7500             4.4583  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -3.9167            -2.0625            -2.4375            -1.4167  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.3333            -0.2500  
## [[31]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2614            -0.5833             3.1667            -3.7500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.1250            -0.7500            -3.1667  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1667            -1.8636  
## [[32]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1780            -0.7917             3.3333            -3.7500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.2500            -0.7500            -3.0000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1250            -1.8636  
## [[33]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.0189            -0.5833             3.1667            -3.7083  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.6667             2.1250            -0.7500            -3.0000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.3750            -1.7727  
## [[34]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.2614            -0.8333             3.1667            -3.5000  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5000             2.2500            -0.8750            -3.1667  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.1667            -1.8636  
## [[35]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1458            -0.6667             3.0833            -3.7917  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##            2.5833             2.0625            -0.6875            -3.2500  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           -2.0000            -1.7500  
## [[36]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##          13.63258            0.70833           -3.66667            4.58333  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##          -4.16667           -2.12500           -2.37500           -1.33333  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           0.04167           -0.40909  
## [[37]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##          12.99621            0.45833           -3.66667            4.87500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##          -4.00000           -2.00000           -2.37500           -1.50000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           0.25000           -0.04545  
## [[38]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##          12.91288            0.50000           -3.50000            4.62500  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##          -4.00000           -2.25000           -2.50000           -1.33333  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##           0.29167           -0.04545  
## [[39]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.3144             0.4583            -3.6667             4.6250  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -4.0000            -2.1250            -2.3750            -1.5000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.2500            -0.2273  
## [[40]]
## Call:
## lm.default(formula = mycalcdata.CJA[, person] ~ Flavor + Size + 
##     Superfoods + Filling + Packaging + as.numeric(Price), data = mycalcdata.CJA)
## Coefficients:
##       (Intercept)            Flavor1            Flavor2              Size1  
##           13.1553             0.2500            -3.5000             4.8333  
##             Size2        Superfoods1           Filling1         Packaging1  
##           -4.1667            -2.1250            -2.2500            -1.5000  
##        Packaging2  as.numeric(Price)  
##            0.2500            -0.1364
# summary(Regressions[[1]])
# levels(mycalcdata.CJA$Flavor)
# levels(mycalcdata.CJA$Size)
# levels(mycalcdata.CJA$Superfoods)
# levels(mycalcdata.CJA$Filling)
# levels(mycalcdata.CJA$Packaging)
# levels(mycalcdata.CJA$Price)

(-) Partworth results per proband per level of an attribute

# Create dataframe with Partworth values
vars <- c("Intercept",
          rep("Filling", 2),
lvls <- c("Intercept",
Results <- data.frame(Variable = vars, Levels = lvls)

# Number of probands used
n = 40
for (person in 1:n) {
 c <- as.vector(Regressions[[person]]$coefficients)
 coef <- c(c[1],0,c[2:3],0,c[4:5],0,c[6],0,c[7],0,c[8:9],c[10])
 Results[,paste("Person",person,sep = "")] <- round(coef, digits = 1)

# Calculate averages
Results[,"Average"] <- round(rowMeans(Results[,-c(1,2)]),digits = 1)

##      Variable                        Levels Person1 Person2 Person3 Person4
## 1   Intercept                     Intercept    13.3    13.2    13.0    13.1
## 2      Flavor                         mixed     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
## 3      Flavor                        fruity    -0.6     0.3    -0.6    -0.7
## 4      Flavor                         nutty     3.2    -3.5     3.2     3.1
## 5        Size                           15g     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
## 6        Size                            5g    -3.7     4.8    -3.7    -3.8
## 7        Size                           10g     2.5    -4.2     2.7     2.6
## 8  Superfoods           contains superfoods     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
## 9  Superfoods        contains no superfoods     2.1    -2.1     2.1     2.1
## 10    Filling                        liquid     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
## 11    Filling                        creamy    -0.8    -2.3    -0.7    -0.7
## 12  Packaging  individually wrapped in foil     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
## 13  Packaging individually wrapped in paper    -3.2    -1.5    -3.0    -3.2
## 14  Packaging       not individally wrapped    -2.2     0.2    -2.4    -2.0
## 15      Price                         Price    -1.9    -0.1    -1.8    -1.7
##    Person5 Person6 Person7 Person8 Person9 Person10 Person11 Person12 Person13
## 1     13.3    13.3    13.3    13.6    13.0     12.9     13.3     13.2     13.0
## 2      0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 3      0.5    -0.8     0.5     0.7     0.5      0.5     -0.6     -0.8     -0.6
## 4     -3.7     3.2    -3.7    -3.7    -3.7     -3.5      3.2      3.3      3.2
## 5      0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 6      4.6    -3.5     4.5     4.6     4.9      4.6     -3.7     -3.7     -3.7
## 7     -4.0     2.5    -3.9    -4.2    -4.0     -4.0      2.5      2.5      2.7
## 8      0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 9     -2.1     2.3    -2.1    -2.1    -2.0     -2.3      2.1      2.3      2.1
## 10     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 11    -2.4    -0.9    -2.4    -2.4    -2.4     -2.5     -0.8     -0.7     -0.7
## 12     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 13    -1.5    -3.2    -1.4    -1.3    -1.5     -1.3     -3.2     -3.0     -3.0
## 14     0.2    -2.2     0.3     0.0     0.2      0.3     -2.2     -2.1     -2.4
## 15    -0.2    -1.9    -0.2    -0.4     0.0      0.0     -1.9     -1.9     -1.8
##    Person14 Person15 Person16 Person17 Person18 Person19 Person20 Person21
## 1      13.3     13.1     12.9     13.3     13.2     13.3     13.6     13.3
## 2       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 3      -0.8     -0.7      0.5      0.5      0.3      0.5      0.7     -0.6
## 4       3.2      3.1     -3.5     -3.7     -3.5     -3.7     -3.7      3.2
## 5       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 6      -3.5     -3.8      4.6      4.6      4.8      4.5      4.6     -3.7
## 7       2.5      2.6     -4.0     -4.0     -4.2     -3.9     -4.2      2.5
## 8       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 9       2.3      2.1     -2.3     -2.1     -2.1     -2.1     -2.1      2.1
## 10      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 11     -0.9     -0.7     -2.5     -2.4     -2.3     -2.4     -2.4     -0.8
## 12      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 13     -3.2     -3.2     -1.3     -1.5     -1.5     -1.4     -1.3     -3.2
## 14     -2.2     -2.0      0.3      0.2      0.2      0.3      0.0     -2.2
## 15     -1.9     -1.7      0.0     -0.2     -0.1     -0.2     -0.4     -1.9
##    Person22 Person23 Person24 Person25 Person26 Person27 Person28 Person29
## 1      13.2     13.0     13.3     13.1     13.0     12.9     13.3     13.2
## 2       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 3      -0.8     -0.6     -0.8     -0.7      0.5      0.5      0.5      0.3
## 4       3.3      3.2      3.2      3.1     -3.7     -3.5     -3.7     -3.5
## 5       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 6      -3.7     -3.7     -3.5     -3.8      4.9      4.6      4.6      4.8
## 7       2.5      2.7      2.5      2.6     -4.0     -4.0     -4.0     -4.2
## 8       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 9       2.3      2.1      2.3      2.1     -2.0     -2.3     -2.1     -2.1
## 10      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 11     -0.7     -0.7     -0.9     -0.7     -2.4     -2.5     -2.4     -2.3
## 12      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 13     -3.0     -3.0     -3.2     -3.2     -1.5     -1.3     -1.5     -1.5
## 14     -2.1     -2.4     -2.2     -2.0      0.2      0.3      0.2      0.2
## 15     -1.9     -1.8     -1.9     -1.7      0.0      0.0     -0.2     -0.1
##    Person30 Person31 Person32 Person33 Person34 Person35 Person36 Person37
## 1      13.3     13.3     13.2     13.0     13.3     13.1     13.6     13.0
## 2       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 3       0.5     -0.6     -0.8     -0.6     -0.8     -0.7      0.7      0.5
## 4      -3.7      3.2      3.3      3.2      3.2      3.1     -3.7     -3.7
## 5       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 6       4.5     -3.7     -3.7     -3.7     -3.5     -3.8      4.6      4.9
## 7      -3.9      2.5      2.5      2.7      2.5      2.6     -4.2     -4.0
## 8       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 9      -2.1      2.1      2.3      2.1      2.3      2.1     -2.1     -2.0
## 10      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 11     -2.4     -0.8     -0.7     -0.7     -0.9     -0.7     -2.4     -2.4
## 12      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
## 13     -1.4     -3.2     -3.0     -3.0     -3.2     -3.2     -1.3     -1.5
## 14      0.3     -2.2     -2.1     -2.4     -2.2     -2.0      0.0      0.2
## 15     -0.2     -1.9     -1.9     -1.8     -1.9     -1.7     -0.4      0.0
##    Person38 Person39 Person40 Average
## 1      12.9     13.3     13.2    13.2
## 2       0.0      0.0      0.0     0.0
## 3       0.5      0.5      0.3    -0.1
## 4      -3.5     -3.7     -3.5    -0.4
## 5       0.0      0.0      0.0     0.0
## 6       4.6      4.6      4.8     0.7
## 7      -4.0     -4.0     -4.2    -0.9
## 8       0.0      0.0      0.0     0.0
## 9      -2.3     -2.1     -2.1    -0.1
## 10      0.0      0.0      0.0     0.0
## 11     -2.5     -2.4     -2.3    -1.6
## 12      0.0      0.0      0.0     0.0
## 13     -1.3     -1.5     -1.5    -2.2
## 14      0.3      0.2      0.2    -0.9
## 15      0.0     -0.2     -0.1    -0.9
##      Variable                        Levels Average
## 1   Intercept                     Intercept    13.2
## 2      Flavor                         mixed     0.0
## 3      Flavor                        fruity    -0.1
## 4      Flavor                         nutty    -0.4
## 5        Size                           15g     0.0
## 6        Size                            5g     0.7
## 7        Size                           10g    -0.9
## 8  Superfoods           contains superfoods     0.0
## 9  Superfoods        contains no superfoods    -0.1
## 10    Filling                        liquid     0.0
## 11    Filling                        creamy    -1.6
## 12  Packaging  individually wrapped in foil     0.0
## 13  Packaging individually wrapped in paper    -2.2
## 14  Packaging       not individally wrapped    -0.9
## 15      Price                         Price    -0.9
# Save results
write.csv(Results, "Results.csv")

(-) Illustrate results

# Get averages and visualize them for each variable
Results[,"Average"] <- round(rowMeans(Results[,-c(1,2)]),digits = 1)
# Flavor
gg1 <- Results[,c(1,2,ncol(Results))] %>% 
  filter(Levels %in% levels(mydatc9_case_design$Flavor)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Levels, y = Average, group = 1)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle("Flavor") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 10, hjust = 1, size = 8)) +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8)) + 
  theme(title = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8))

# Size
gg2 <- Results[,c(1,2,ncol(Results))] %>% 
  filter(Levels %in% levels(mydatc9_case_design$Size)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Levels, y = Average, group = 1)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle("Size") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 10, hjust = 1, size = 8)) +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8)) + 
  theme(title = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8))

# Superfoods
gg3 <- Results[,c(1,2,ncol(Results))] %>% 
  filter(Levels %in% levels(mydatc9_case_design$Superfoods)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Levels, y = Average, group = 1)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle("Superfoods") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 10, hjust = 1, size = 8)) +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8)) + 
  theme(title = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8))

# Filling
gg4 <- Results[,c(1,2,ncol(Results))] %>% 
  filter(Levels %in% levels(mydatc9_case_design$Filling)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Levels, y = Average, group = 1)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle("Filling") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 10, hjust = 1, size = 8)) +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8)) + 
  theme(title = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8))

# Packaging
gg5 <- Results[,c(1,2,ncol(Results))] %>% 
  filter(Levels %in% levels(mydatc9_case_design$Packaging)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Levels, y = Average, group = 1)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_line() +
  ggtitle("Packaging") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 10, hjust = 1, size = 8)) +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8)) + 
  theme(title = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8))
# Price
gg6 <- Results[,c(1,2,ncol(Results))] %>% 
  filter(Levels == "Price") %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Levels, y = Average,)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  # geom_line() +
  ggtitle("Price") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 10, hjust = 1, size = 8)) +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8)) + 
  theme(title = element_text(hjust = 1, size = 8))
# Plot
cowplot::plot_grid(gg1, gg2, gg3, gg4, gg5, gg6, nrow = 3, ncol = 2)